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Remington New Model Army revolver Patn'd 1858
Remington New Model Army revolver Patn'd 1858
Item#: Rem44
Asking Price: $0.00
This is a fantastic Civil War era investment grade .44 caliber Remington in amazing unmolested original condition. Bright deep blue throughout, gorgeous crisp markings. What looks like original grease/"cosmoline" on cylinder rod & at muzzle area. Areas of loading lever and areas of frame have been "cleaned" with steel wool or something but remainder is rich original blue.Cleaned areas are not pitted. Cylinder has flaked typically...blue grey patina. One spot of old oxidation smaller than a dime on cylinder. Pinched front sight.
Uncleaned brass. Original finish on near perfect wood grips. Excellent screws. Timed perfectly & feels crisp.
Impressive crisp inspectors marks through out this revolver. (W,P,H) Cartouche on left grip panel is clear and perfect.
Bore is incredibly bright & sharp. The chambers of the cylinder still are blued...I suspect this gun may be unfired. Matching numbers.
This is the finest example of a New Model Remington that we have ever had the pleasure to handle.
Antique...no FFL necessary.